The most rewarding part of our work is creating life-changing results for our clients. Check out some of our real life case studies below.
From Two Patients Per Month to Almost $3M in Annual Revenue
Dr. Marcos, founder of Premier Health Institute, has become a model example of working the LeadJuice Success System.
His practice went from seeing two or three patients per month to helping and starting 65 to 70 new patients per month! With an astounding 19x ROI, Dr. Marcos and his team created almost $3M in production for the year.
He tells the story of when his staff was learning to handle the newfound volume they worked the system, but also ran into what he calls “good problems,” such as having to print so many new patient forms that his office ran out of ink!
His highlights of working with the LeadJuice team is the efficiency and accountability he has had throughout. Not only have these systems been a positive change for his business growth, but also a huge change for the quality of lives of all the new patients who start care with Premier Health Institute.

770% ROI on Ad Spend
Dr. Cliff Fisher owns several AlignLife Chiropractic clinics and this was just one of the success stories from his practices.
In a single month one location brought in almost 400 leads after spending just over $4k in ad spend. That translated to an impressive $11.89 spent per lead acquisition.
His ad spend was dwarfed by the care plans signed and total revenue generated from these new leads alone.
After spending just over $4k for ads, Dr. Cliff’s practice collected $34,000 in new patient revenue. That’s an uncanny 770% ROI on ad spend.
Ready for a Success Growth EcoSystem for Your Practice?
At LeadJuice, we’ve designed a success growth ramp to level up your practice, your team, and your success. Start with our free practice audit today.
Forming a Partnership
Dr. Susan of Adada Wellness Center knew she was on the brink of greatness with her practice. She had recently made some changes that she thought would make all the difference, but instead still found herself and her business stuck.
After working with thousands of business owners, Mike Stanzyk (LeadJuice CEO) understands that the most valuable type of relationship he can form with his clients is a partnership where he truly shows he cares and dives beyond “just getting leads”.
LeadJuice’s deep analysis of your business strategy and numbers give you the roadmap you need to grow your practice to the next level.

Proven Formula for High ROI
Real results in action… Meet Dr. Sebastian of AlignLife Guaynabo. After starting with LeadJuice his practice racked up 183 leads.
77 of those leads started on their new patient offer. That’s a 42% conversion rate of leads into new patients.
More than double the national average all thanks to a proven formula of growth and follow-up.